TRAVEL TIPS | How to clean your luggage after travel

Since the world has been impacted by Coronavirus, and the there have been so much advice from health experts around washing our hands, we thought it is also a good idea to explain how to clean your luggage after you travel. Despite not being able to travel right now, it is a good idea to remember tips like these for when you do begin to travel.

In a USA Today article, Paul Pottinger, a UW Medicine infectious disease specialist at the University of Washington in Seattle, asked “how far can they [Coronavirus] travel before they’re no longer a threat.“ so whatever you have touched along your journey home from the airport, “may for some time be a potential threat to your health”.
This includes all the handles you touch from your suitcase off the carousel, doors of the taxi or ride share service, your door handles when you enter your home, to name a few.

Here are a few tips things you should think about when you arrive back home from your travels:

  • Wipe down your passport with a disinfectant wipe;

  • Wipe down your cellphone using a soft. lint-free cloth and spray (away from your phone) a gentle disinfectant soluble that is not too harsh which will cause damage.

  • Wipe down any glass cases with a disinfectant wipe or similar to your cellphone using a soft lint-free cloth and spray a gentle disinfectant

  • Wipe down the wheels on your roller suitcase with disinfectant

  • All clothes should be washed and not to touch any areas such as your bed, seats when you get home that you wore on the plane ride home

  • Wash your hands

We encourage you to put these practices in place to assist with guarding yourself of potentially other viruses so that you have a routine that can also be used for your everyday living.

Let us know if you have any other tips to share about your cleaning routine below.

Happy Traveling,
The Luxe and Lavish Travels Team

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