Traveling for business is not a new phenomenon for women; however, despite the frequency women travel for work, it is still more unsafe for women compared to their male counterparts. And for business travelers, even more so due to the frequency oppose to women who travel leisurely for personal time.
“More than 8 in 10 (83 percent) women say they have experienced one or more safety-related concerns or incidents while traveling for business in the past year, according to new research from the Global Business Travel Association (GBTA) in partnership with AIG Travel”.
Key findings from the survey of women travelers show that:
90 percent say concern about safety has an effect on activities pursued during personal time while on business travel
86 percent report an impact on booking behavior, such as booking only daytime flights or a central lodging location
84 percent cite an impact on where they travel for business
81 percent indicate their travel frequency for business has been impacted by safety concerns
80 percent say safety concerns have impacted their productivity on business trips
So while business travel has gotten safer and easier for female business travelers, there are still some precautions that women should take to protect themselves.
Do research - Look into depth the destination you are traveling to. Read up on traveler reviews and enroll in the Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP). Also know who to call in an emergency & get the contact information for the nearest embassy or consulate, police station, and other local emergency departments.
Travel Light - Buy lightweight luggage that have spinners as they are easier to navigate or have a knapsack. Carrying heavy luggage weighs you down and slows you down as well. The point is to get in and out of the airport quickly.
Dress inconspicuous- People who look like they’re from out of town are especially vulnerable to crime, so it is important to blend and not draw attention to yourself. By choosing inconspicuous clothing prevents the attention you are not trying to attract. The clothing should make things a lot more difficult for pickpockets to steal from you. Blend in as much as possible and be discreet when looking at maps.
Copy your documents - Make copies of your travel documents in the event you loose the originals. Its easier to get copies at any embassy when you can prove your identity. Send your documents to a trusted friend or family member or email them to yourself.
Tell trusted family/friend your whereabouts - In the event your business trip is a long one, you should ensure a family member or friend is aware of your location back home. Someone else other than your company is aware of your whereabouts & check in regularly with those individuals.
Hotel Safety - Ask for two room keys. It gives the perception that you are not alone. Lock and dead-bolt the door and keep your windows shut. You can buy a jammer, which is a portable device that slips under the door for another layer of protection. Keep the TV on or radio so it does not give the impression that you are not in your room. Use the Do Not Disturb sign on the outside of your door. Whatever type of hotel you pick, request a room with an interior entrance and above the ground floor. You want to be near the elevator, but not too close to the emergency exits.
Concierge Services- Use these services if they are offered at the hotel. Especially if you choose to do any tours, do not be afraid to ask for safety measures.
Phone - Keep your phone charged and bring a battery pack so you always have access to charge if you are low.
We hope these tips were helpful for your business travel journey.
Happy Travelling
The Luxe and Lavish Team